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Superb solution

for the victory

We are a creative group of industrial designers, engineers, and branding professionals. From smart wearables and home appliances to small living items, we create products that help us suggest a lifestyle of the future.

​에스투빅터는 산업 디자이너, 엔지니어, 제품기획 전문가들로 이루어진 크리에이티브 그룹입니다. 스마트 웨어러블과 생활가전에서부터 작은 리빙소품에 이르기까지 앞으로의 라이프스타일의 방식을 제안하는 것에 도움이 되는 제품을 만듭니다.

Brands we’ve worked for

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There are so many different industrial design studio in the world. We also experienced other design agencies sa designers.

But it wasn't easy to have pride in our work. "Why don't we create the company we want?’ In 2015, S2VICTOR Product design studio started out as two founders. 

We didn't want to be the consumables that produce large quantities of design anymore. We wanted to be the creators that can make us competitive. Our team has grown steadily since we started our business with a pool of talented team members of the same mind. Today we are trying to produce results that everyone can relate to, satisfying not only our clients but also our product's consumers.

이 세상에는 참 다양한 산업디자인 스튜디오가 존재합니다. 저희 역시 그 곳에 소속되어 일하던 디자이너였습니다. 

하지만 우리 일에 자부심을 갖고 일하기란 쉽지 않았습니다. ‘우리가 원하는 제품디자인회사를 직접 만들어보면 어떨까?’  2015년 에스투빅터는 그렇게 2명의 설립자로 시작되었습니다.

질보단 많은 양의 디자인을 만들어내던 기계적 소모품이 아닌, 제품의 생명같은 경쟁력을 불어넣는 크리에이터가 되고 싶었습니다. 같은 생각을 가진 역량있는 팀원을 모여 창업 이후 꾸준히 성장해왔고, 오늘의 우리는 클라이언트뿐만아니라 소비자까지 모두 만족하고 공감할 수 있는 결과를 만들기 위해 오늘도 열심히 고민하고 있습니다.

2015/ 2016

2017/ 2018

Chungho Nais / Coffee Purifier Tiny edge

Bokuk / Dehumidifier

Bokuk / Air fryer

Renopia / Electronic piano for children

Ztween / Wireless router

Link / Toothbrush sterilizer

Ergoguard / Medical cervical collar

Hyundai Tech / Agricultural hose ree

SK Networks / network security device

Blink / IOT Bike indicator

AviAir / Air purifier

Grinnare / IOT Study reading desk development

Link / Smartphone sterilizer

Victoria Beauty / Cosmetic dispenser

Hyndai Mobis / Car Battery development

Samsung / Electronics VR device development

Victoria Beauty / Skin analyzer

Seoul National University / Smart bio band

Jijun system / Kitchen cradle design consulting

Samsung / IOT Health Care Band

Brand Live / ‘Kona’ Display Project

Design Factory / Smart IOT Helmet for Kids

Seoul National University / Medical device 1st

Link / Toothbrush Sterilizer

2019/ 2020

Samsung C lab/ Mobile accessory

Seoul National University / Medical device 2nd

Linkface / VR device development

KFI / Smart rescue helmet for fireman

Neostact / Crime prevention IoT device

Hoyun_Petnow / Pet bend

Robot&more / Ai speaker

LG Electronics / Confidential kids product

Savikogy / Pet wash & dry room development

Ergon / Fire mask dispensers

Linkface / Smart earplug & lighting speaker

MINISO(China) / Living product 

LG Electronics / Refrigerator

Winix / Air purufier 

Petcoon / Pet styler development

Uzinmedicare / Spectra breast pump

Production / Rocket sleep light 

Everybot / Wet mop robot vacuum cleaner

Nueyen / Tinnitus therapy machine

Production / fonv Pilates Equipment

Daewoong_CGBIO / LED Mask, Hair mask

Yuhankimberly / Confidential

LG Electronics / Smartphone

Ceragem / Confidential

Musicus  / Confidential

Tamken / DDP Design fair stool

Sun Lighting / Lightway Pandant

Seoul National University / Confidential

2021/ 2022



Purium / Air Shower

LG Electronics / Confidential

LG Display / Confidential

Xplora(Norway) / Smart Watch

LG Display / Confidential

Powerplayer / Confidential

LG Display / Confidential

Production / fonv furniture

Xplora(Norway) / Kids Smart Watch

LG Display / Confidential

Coway / Confidential

Groundot / Wooden toy

Nokturn / Cattower

Coway / Confidential

Purium / Confidential

Coway / Confidential

Production / fonv Pilates Equipment V2

LG Display / Confidential

LG Electronics / Confidential

Yuhankimberly / Mask

Dreame(China) / Robot

LG Electronics / Confidential

LG Display / Confidential

Coway / Confidential

Coway / Confidential

Production / fonv Pilates Equipment (small)


2022 Founded fonv 폰브 제조 공장 설립

2020 Founded fonv 필라테스 기구 전문 제작 폰브 브랜드 런칭

2018 Registered KODIA 한국디자인산업연협회 회원사 등록

2018 Establishment of Design R&D center

2017 Registered KIDP 산업디자인전문회사 등록

2015 Founded PDF HAUS 제품디자인아카데미 운영

2015 Founded PDF 제품디자이너모임 운영

2015 Founded S2VICTOR design studio


2021 It-Award Challenge 한국디자인산업연합회 시크릿 강연

2019 Sookmyung Univ. 숙명여대 Design Process Lecture

2018 Sookmyung Univ. 숙명여대 Design Process Lecture

2018 KDM 한국디자인진흥원 Design Process Lecture

2017 KDM 한국디자인진흥원 Design Process Lecture

​2016 Product design book published 'Keyshot'

2016 KIDP 한국디자인진흥원 'Dream’s of the younger designers'​

2016 Shinsegae 신세계 Design Trend lecture

2015 Tide 타이드 Product design guest lecture


MinKwan Seo


Hongseok Seo


Ingyu Park


Haechan Nam


Jeonghee Bak


Minsu Park


Jinsu Kim


Ayoung Koh


Sangjin Joo


Hanyoung Lee


Taekyung Kim

What we believe in

The goal is to challenge various fields with our weapon called design. We're not afraid of the growing pains that come with the experience of progressive change. We are certain that the big and small success and countless efforts we archive will one day make us one of the leading industrial design companies on the planet. We have faith in our dream of designing rockets as representatives of the Earth. Don't be afraid or hesitant! Our challenge continues today.

우리는 디자인이라는 무기를 바탕으로 다양한 무대에 도전합니다. 더 나은  변화를  위한  경험과 이에 필요한 성장통을 두려워하지 않습니다. 우리가 써내려갈 크고 작은 성공과 무수한 노력은 언젠가 에스투빅터를 지구를 대표하는 디자인 회사로 만들어 줄 것이라 확신합니다. 지구를 대표해 로켓을 디자인하겠다는 포부에는 우리의 신념이 담겨있습니다. 두려워하거나 전전긍긍치 말 것! 에스투빅터의 도전은 오늘도 계속됩니다.

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