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Mandibular medical device l Seoul natiolnal university hospital

Seoul national university hospital_Medical device

​코골이는 작게는 개인, 배우자, 나아가 타인에게까지 피해를 주며, 건강의 적신호를 나타내는 기도 막힘 증상이다. 이 증상은 턱의 근육이 완화되어 취침 시 혀가 뒤로 밀려 기도가 막힘으로 발생하는 것인데, S2V는 서울대병원과 함께 코골이를 해결할 수 있는 하악 전진 장치 의료기기를 디자인 및 개발을 진행하였다. 

Snoring is one of an airway blockage symptoms warning you that your health is in danger as well as it might bother the person who lives with you. S2VICTOR designed and developed this medical device that can treat snoring symptoms with Seoul National University Hospital.


Mandibular medical device l Seoul natiolnal university hospital


Mandibular medical device l Seoul natiolnal university hospital


Mandibular medical device l Seoul natiolnal university hospital


Mandibular medical device l Seoul natiolnal university hospital


Mandibular medical device l Seoul natiolnal university hospital


Mandibular medical device l Seoul natiolnal university hospital


Mandibular medical device l Seoul natiolnal university hospital


Mandibular medical device l Seoul natiolnal university hospital

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